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7 Useful Mac shortcuts you need to know

Mac shortcuts

When using a Mac computer, it is inevitable to switch between the mouse and keyboard, if you can reduce the use of mouse and simply focus on the keyboard, you will be able to speed up your productivity significantly when using the Mac? In this case, you will need to know some useful shortcuts on the computer, which enable you to perform an action more effectively then switching to use the mouse.

1. Copy and paste

Traditionally, when people need to copy a file/file name, they need to right-click on the item, and select Copy. Similarly, the paste job also requires the user to right click on the blank of the target place, and select Paste. When it turns to use the shortcuts instead, people can complete these two actions quickly: ⌘(command)+c copies, ⌘(command)+v pastes. Moreover, this is not only working for copying and pasting the same type of file, it is also available for pasting the file name via copying its corresponding application

2. Force Quit

When the Mac computer being used for a long time, people may encounter a app freeze-up issue sometimes and unable to close or quit the app. In this case, you can try the Force Quit shortcuts “Command-Option-Esc” to forcibly force quit the applications window

3. Take a screenshot of your computer

Shift-Command-3: take a full screen-short for the screen
Shift-Command-4: take a screenshot of part of your screen

4. Forward delete

Different from the Windows based computer, the Mac OS X does not contains the backspace key which enable people to forward delete a key directly, but you also can make use of the shortcuts “Function-Delete” to perform a forward delete on your Mac

5. Minimize the active window

When the traditional way to minimize an active window requires you to click on the little yellow button on the upper-left corner of the window, shortcuts “Command-Option-M” allow you to minimize the window quickly and directly on the computer

6. Quick look on the selected item

If you want to preview an item on the computer, you just need to select it, and enter the Space bar, the selected item’s information and brief instruction will display on the screen.

7.Quit all of running applications and shut down the computer

Feel tired of closing those running applications one by one and then shut down the Mac? Click on “Command-Alt-Control-Eject” will help you quit all of apps and shut down the computer automatically


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